Boyfriends, Girlfriends and Partners
Boyfriends, girlfriends and partners are people who have a regular romantic relationship with who feel the same way about each other. They might meet each other through friends, family, school, work, places they go to and sometimes through dating apps or sites. They might date or be friends first and gradually decide to be boyfriends, girlfriends or partners. They might also meet through family members. No one has to have a partner or be in a romantic relationship they do not want to be in. Remember that a boyfriend or girlfriend is someone who also wants to be our boyfriend or girlfriend and has agreed to be with us that we know in real life. This is different to a crush we might have on someone famous e.g. a popstar or someone else who might not feel the same way about us and has not told us they do.
More Videos and Activities
Find out more about partners, boyfriends and girlfriends by using the videos and activities in the sections below. Activities in green are more basic (level 1) and blue are more advanced (level 2) in subject matter and/or language.
Speed Dating 1
Speed Dating 2
The One
Discussion questions
- What do you think is important in a boyfriend or girlfriend e.g. being kind?
- What is a dating app or website?
- Write a list of the good things about dating apps and the things users must be very careful about.
Extension question
Do you think it’s good to always have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Explain.