
A family is a group of people that:

  • Can include one or more parent/s and/or carer/s and the child/ren they care for
  • Can include extended family members like grandparents and brothers or sisters
  • May or may not live together

You may or may not have a large or small group of people that you live with. You might or might not get on with members of your family.

More Videos and Activities

Find out more about members of families by using the videos and activities in the sections below. Activities in green are more basic (level 1) and blue are more advanced (level 2) in subject matter and/or language.

Discussion questions

  • Who are the members of your family?
  • What things do mums, dads or carers do?

Extension question

What do you do to help your family? Is there anything else you think you could do to help?