
Travel is:

  • Making a journey
  • You might go by foot, car, bike, bus, plane, boat or another vehicle
  • Might be for a long or short distance

More Videos and Activities

Find out more about travel by choosing from the sections below, watching the videos and completing the activities. Activities in green are more basic (level 1) and blue are more advanced (level 2) in subject matter and/or language. There are 3 categories of worksheets for each activity which require different levels of literacy, thinking and comprehension skills. Go to the Teachers Section to find out more.

Discussion questions

  • What journeys do you do every day or most days?
  • How do you usually travel?
  • What is the longest journey you have ever taken?

Extension question

If you were going on a trip to a theme park of your choice, how might you or your family get there. Research all the different ways and decide which would be the easiest.