Relationships are:
- Connections with people we know
- Strong and deep with some people like close friends or family
- Less strong with people we are not so close to
You have relationships with all sorts of people. Some relationships can last for a long time and some are short.
More Videos and Activities
Find out more about different relationships by choosing from the sections below, watching the videos and completing the activities. Activities in green are more basic (level 1) and blue are more advanced (level 2) in subject matter and/or language. There are 3 categories of worksheets for each activity which require different levels of literacy, thinking and comprehension skills. Go to the Teachers Section to find out more.
Boyfriends, Girlfriends and Partners
Other People
Extra Activities
Teachers Section
Discussion questions
- Where and what are the different relationships you have?
- What are your most important relationships in your life?
Extension question
What is ‘trust’? Why is this important in a relationship?