Extra Activities
This document contains many additional contextualized activities on Leisure to support English, Maths and work readiness skills as well as PSHE and Life Skills. There are two versions of each task for ready differentiation. V1 is the standard version, v2 is the simplified version.
Answers are found within the staff section. These activities support all learners, most particularly those with literacy, numeracy and/or social communication needs.
A summary of the activities included can be viewed below.
Sub Topic | Overview |
Meeting up | Literacy and numeracy activity about a group of friends who need to compromise on their night out. |
On thin ice | Literacy and numeracy questions about a skating activity using a skating flyer. |
Join the gym | Literacy and numeracy questions about using a gym using a gym flyer. |
Team sports | Literacy and numeracy questions about team sports using some sports stats. |
Fun run | Literacy activity on a fun run on adjectives. |
Fundraising gig | Literacy activities focusing on adverbs and adjectives as well as reading comprehension about a fundraising gig. |
Bowled over | Booking a bowling alley over the phone. Unjumble the sentences and questions. |
Adding it up | Numeracy activities about the costs of a bowling trip with associated questions. |
Restaurant meal | Literacy and numeracy questions about going for a meal using a restaurant menu. |
Place your order | Literacy and life skills activities about choosing suitable phrases and questions when making a food order. |
What are you having? | Literacy activity identifying spelling mistakes on a café menu. |
Paying the bill | Numeracy activity requiring learners to total up the cost of a bill. |
What did you think? | Activity on completing and looking at a customer questionnaire. |