Relationships: Teachers Section
These resources have been created to support Secondary aged learners and young adults develop critical thinking skills and access topics within subjects such as Life Skills, PSHE and Citizenship, Law and Government and Politics. Many activities have also been designed to support Literacy and Numeracy skills. These inclusive activities include video and sound files, differentiated activities and support a wide range of learners. Materials have been colour coded as green and blue to show more basic or advanced subject matter and/or language. There are 3 categories of worksheets for each activity which require different levels of literacy, thinking and comprehension skills:
- Worksheet A includes more simple questions with Widgit symbols to support discussion and understanding
- Worksheet B is includes intermediate questions and does not contain symbols
- Worksheet C is includes slightly more advanced questions and does not contain symbols
The resources in this section provide support a range of relationships including:
- Friendships
- Family
- Girlfriends, Boyfriends and Partners
- Other people
The resources below include indexes, summaries, quick links, answers, and curriculum links for all of the Relationships resources made available.
Main Activities: Notes and Answers
Extra Activities: Notes and Answers
Curriculum Mapping
Index of Assets and Activities