
When we don’t know people, we might make a judgement about what they are like just because of how they speak, dress or what they look like. It is important to be careful about strangers especially if we are alone or if they ask us to do something we don’t like. However, it is good to understand that we can sometimes be wrong about people and they might not be like we think they are. Watch the videos to find out about this area, then follow the instructions in the worksheet.

Discussion questions

  • How did the woman feel when the men were behind her? Why?
  • When the man caught up with her did you expect what happened?
  • Do you think it is right to make judgements about people because of what they look like?


A situation where people might be judged by how they look. For example, you could roleplay another situation where people react to someone in a certain way because they are wearing a hoodie.